Give something back to your Community
How to Share Resources
in a Lasting Way
There's a fund for everyone...
An affiliate of St. Croix Valley Foundation

What is the Somerset Community Foundation?
The Somerset Community Foundation (SCF) is operated by a volunteer board of directors that includes community leaders who are your friends and neighbors. It focuses its efforts on providing funding in the areas of education, human services, civic projects, youth and the environment - as well as fostering the culture of philanthropy.
A better Somerset area.
Why have a community foundation?
A community foundation offers donors simplicity and flexibility in charitable giving, maximum tax advantages and the knowledge that their gift will benefit their community in perpetuity. A community foundation exists to help create a healthy and vital community in which all people have the opportunity to enhance the quality of their lives and the lives of others.
A community where everybody has the capacity to give in a way that makes a difference.
How can you make a difference?
Many people care about the Somerset area and would like to share resources with it in a lasting way, but feel they are not able to make a difference alone. For such people the Somerset Community Foundation can be of service. The SCF can give you the satisfaction of being charitable and knowing your gift will be put to good use in your community.
A community where combining gifts, great and small, result in making the largest local impact.
Please join us....
In building a permanent and growing endowment for the community's changing needs and opportunities. The Somerset Community Foundation Endowment is a fund established to take care of the Somerset area's needs today and tomorrow. It remains flexible so that issues not even dreamed of today can be dealt with expeditiously for the good of the community today, tomorrow, and forever. You are invited to be a founding donor of the Somerset Community Foundation Endowment.
A community where local needs are identified and met with flexibility for today and the future.
To enhance the quality of life in the Somerset Community.
The Somerset Community Foundation helps Somerset achieve its potential by improving the quality of life for our community through improved programs, activities and resources.
The Somerset Community Foundation believes that any gift great or small can make a difference in our community.
Latest Projects
Marketing & Fund-Raising Initiatives
Community Action Plan Participation
Fields of Interest
Human Services and Wellness
Donor Specified
P.O. Box 322
Somerset, WI 54025

Join us and be part of Somerset's future; we need your voice! We encourage you to come to one of the many Community Listening Sessions that we'll be hosting throughout the coming months.
Click Here for more information about the Rivers + Roads initiative and how you can participate.